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× Careers Staff Only Personnel Sub Call-In Service Health & Safety
Main Operator 315.433.2600
District Superintendent 315.433.2602
Adult Education 315.453.4455
Business Office 315.433.2614
CNYRIC 315.433.8300
Instructional Support       315.433.2627
Student Services 315.433.2604
Labor Relations 315.433.2629
Personnel 315.433.2631
OCM BOCES Copy Paper Request Form
Contact the Print Shop, 315 433-2623, with questions or for pricing on special order items.

White paper
White - 8½ X 11 Reams needed: Price: $4.50 per ream
White - 8½ X 14 Reams needed: Price: $6.80 per ream
White - 11 X 17 Reams needed: Price: $12.95 per ream
White - 8½ X 11 Cases needed: Price: $45.15 per case
Colored paper
Blue (Sky) - 8½ X 11 Reams needed: Price: $6.20 per ream
Yellow - 8½ X 11 Reams needed: Price: $6.20 per ream
Goldenrod - 8½ X 11 Reams needed: Price: $6.20 per ream
Green - 8½ X 11 Reams needed: Price: $6.20 per ream
Pink - 8½ X 11 Reams needed: Price: $6.20 per ream
Cherry - 8½ X 11 Reams needed: Price: $6.20 per ream
White - 8½ X 11 Reams needed: Price: $7.40 per ream
Blue (Sky) - 8½ X 11 Reams needed: Price: Not available
Yellow - 8½ X 11 Reams needed: Price: Not available
Green - 8½ X 11 Reams needed: Price: Not available
Pink - 8½ X 11 Reams needed: Price: Not available
Ivory - 8½ X 11 Reams needed: Price: Not available
Name of requestor:
Paper shipped to:
Phone number (or extension):      Email:
You may enter up to 4 different budget codes. In the far right box, enter the percentage of your total order that you want taken from each budget code. Percentage
Budget code 1:
Budget code 2:
Budget code 3:
Budget code 4:
Ship to address:
Please Note:
  • September 23, 2022 - Please be aware, the global supply of paper has been disrupted, and our vendors have dramatically increased prices with limited stocks available. We are ordering stock as we locate it, but at any time we may be unable to obtain certain selections indefinitely and will remove them from this form.
  • Requests will be sent directly to the OCM BOCES Print Shop via email.
  • The Print Shop will acknowledge receipt of your order in a timely manner.
  • Deliveries will be fulfilled via the OCM BOCES Courier Service.
  • Departments will be billed back via an expense transfer.
  • If paper supply prices change, pricing information listed above will be adjusted.